BUSY Health can partner with your school to ensure all your students are thriving with their learning and fully contributing as part of your school community.
We understand the challenges that students can face and how this can impact on their success at school. Some of these challenges that we can assist with include:
- mental health concerns, including anxiety and depression
- anger management or bullying
- issues with home and family life
- issues with sexuality
- pressures with study or career goals
- and more!

We offer:
- Individual counselling sessions providing strategies and techniques to support student’s goals
- Group sessions offering support with topics that include: Job Readiness, Motivation and Goal Setting, Communication Skills, Resilience and Social Skills.
- Functional assessment to determine functional abilities over a range of physical demands.
- Health RESET – ideal for students wanting to improve their physical and mental health so they can thrive at school and in the community.
- Psychological and cognitive assessment reports.
- Critical incident response management.
- Staff training and professional development.
Partnering with Schools to evidence inclusion in the NCCD
BUSY Health works with children, adolescents and their families who present with behavioural or mental health concerns, neurodiversity, developmental conditions or psychosocial disability.
BUSY Health provides social and emotional assessments and recommendations for students that require adjustments under their Individual Learning Plan or require additional on-site supports to facilitate their learning activities and engagement. These assessments and recommendations inform the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on school students with a Disability process for increased support and funding.
We support schools to evidence the Criteria for Inclusion and Goals, which include
- Results of diagnostic or summative school and/or standardised assessments over time documenting an ongoing learning or socio-emotional need arising from a disability;
- documentation of ongoing learning needs that have a limited response to targeted intervention overtime and cannot be attributed to external factors, such as English as an additional language or dialect, socioeconomic or non-disability related causes;
- parental report of disability in conjunction with evidence of an assessed individual need;
- specialist diagnoses or reports, for example from a medical practitioner such as a paediatrician, or other medical specialist such as a guidance officer/counsellor, speech pathologist or audiologist;
- profiles or assessment reports that identify the functional needs of a student with disability (NCCD, 2019).
BUSY Health understands that when making decisions about reporting to the NCCD each year, schools must identify evidence of adjustments and supports.
This evidence must relate to the school context and the learning and support processes that are in place to meet the individual needs of students with disability.
BUSY Health provides a 3 Step-Model to provide relevant evidence for funding:
- Clinical assessment and observation;
- a disability assessment schedule (screening functional impact); psychometric tools applicable to a student’s individual presentation; opportunity for further cognitive or learning assessment to formalise a diagnosis where required; and
- A report and recommendation outlining the student’s need for learning adjustments arising from disability.
BUSY Health uses the results of the clinical interview and assessments to form a report that aligns with the criteria for the NCCD and recommendations for adjustments that arise from the student’s disability or condition. BUSY Health would remain available to provide support or training around the implementation of recommendations if required.
If additional assessment is required, BUSY Health has a range of additional evidence based assessments and intervention plans tailored to each individual student.
Get Started Now
Enquire now about how our services can help you achieve the health you want, your way.