Initiatives We Support

Initiatives We Support at BUSY Health

At BUSY Health, we believe in fostering a healthy and inclusive community for everyone. That’s why we proudly support various awareness campaigns throughout the year that resonate with our core values. These initiatives provide us with valuable opportunities to:

  • Raise awareness: We want to shine a spotlight on important health and wellbeing topics, sparking conversations and encouraging positive change.
  • Educate and empower: By sharing informative resources and articles, we equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to prioritize their well-being.
  • Celebrate inclusivity: We stand in solidarity with diverse communities facing health challenges, promoting a world where everyone feels supported and valued.

Here are some key initiatives we champion throughout the year:

  • Social Inclusion Week: We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to participate fully in society and reach their full potential. During this time, we might highlight programs or services that promote social inclusion and address barriers to health experienced by marginalised communities. Social Inclusion Week is usually held each year in November. Find out More.
  • International Women’s Day: Throughout the world, women still face significant gender-based inequalities in the workplace, home and society in general. We support equality and bridging the gap for women to support their overall health. Held every year on 8th March. Find out More
  • International Day against LGBTQIA discrimination (IDAHOBIT): We support inclusion for all, regardless of your sexuality! Held every year in May. Find out More. 
  • Women’s Health Week: We celebrate the importance of women’s physical and mental health. This week, you might find articles focusing on specific women’s health concerns, self-care strategies, or stories of inspiring women overcoming health challenges. Usually held every year in early September. Find out More. 
  • Men’s Health Week: International Men’s Health Week is celebrated every year around the world in the middle of June. It is an opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health, and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our communities. Men’s Health Week focuses on not just physical health, but also men’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. It is held in the second week of June. Find out more
  • R U Ok? Day  Every day we should look out for those around us who may be struggling and ask are you okay? R U Ok? Day highlights the importance of checking in on our friends, workmates, family and others around us. Because a conversation could very well save a life. Held on the second Thursday of September every year. Find out More.
  • World Kindness Day: Kindness is a cornerstone of a healthy and supportive community. On this day, we might share tips on practicing kindness in the workplace, within families, and throughout daily interactions. Held every year on 13th November. Find out More. 
  • World Mental Health Day: Mental health is an integral part of overall well-being. During this day, we raise awareness about mental health challenges, celebrate resilience, and share resources for accessing mental health support. Held every year on October 10. Find out More.

Stay tuned!

Throughout the year, we’ll be keeping this page updated with links to informative articles and details about events we might be hosting related to these special initiatives that promote a more accepting and inclusive society.

We encourage you to join us in supporting these important initiatives and working towards a healthier and more inclusive future for all.

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