NDIS Employment Support

Helping you find and maintain work

NDIS Employment Support

Helping you find and maintain work

While some NDIS participants find enough support through their Disability Employment Services provider and/or through an employer’s reasonable workplace adjustment to successfully maintain work, others may need higher intensity support delivered in the workplace (sometimes daily) to enable them to maintain employment.

These supports have typically been available in an Australian Disability Enterprise but can also be used in a range of employment settings including:

NDIS Support to Find and Keep a Job

The NDIS supports in this support category help participants to find and keep employment.

As well as telehealth appointments, we can provide face-to-face appointments at any of our convenient locations

Disability Employment women with artificial arm


Employment Related Assessment and Counselling
This support is designed to provide assessment or counselling to assist participants successfully engage in employment. (Note: if a participant is employed and on award wages, then in most instances a workplace assessment is available through the Employment Assistance Fund administered by JobAccess and is a free service to employers.)

For employment related counselling, this support may benefit participants who have, for example, experienced traumatic injury and need significant support (over and above a mainstream employment related service) to develop a new work pathway.

Workplace assistance

This support item provides workplace assistance that enables a participant to successfully obtain or retain employment in the open or supported labour market. This support can be supplied to any working age participant with an employment goal, including students reaching working age. This may include support to:

Request an Appointment

Appointments are available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm
(or after hours can be arranged by appointment)

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Employment Related Assessment and Counselling
This support is designed to provide assessment or counselling to assist participants successfully engage in employment. (Note: if a participant is employed and on award wages, then in most instances a workplace assessment is available through the Employment Assistance Fund administered by JobAccess and is a free service to employers.)

For employment related counselling, this support may benefit participants who have, for example, experienced traumatic injury and need significant support (over and above a mainstream employment related service) to develop a new work pathway.

Workplace assistance

This support item provides workplace assistance that enables a participant to successfully obtain or retain employment in the open or supported labour market. This support can be supplied to any working age participant with an employment goal, including students reaching working age. This may include support to:

Request an Appointment

Appointments are available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm
(or after hours can be arranged by appointment)

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