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Online Psychology and Counselling Sessions
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Psychology and Counselling - Online Telehealth Services

Did you know that online telehealth psychology and counselling services have experienced a staggering surge in popularity? With the increasing demand for accessible mental health care, the convenience and effectiveness of online therapy has transformed the way Australians seek support for their mental wellness.

BUSY Health offers psychology and counselling services to help individuals overcome any barriers and achieve their lifestyle, relationship, education or employment goals. With face-to-face and telehealth options for clients, appointments can be organised through a Medicare Mental Health Care Plan, NDIS support, WorkCover or direct, private appointments.

Telehealth appointment options offer ease of accessibility, convenience and time management benefits. Patients can still connect to their practitioner with a face-to-face connection through secure, live video conferencing.

Request an Appointment

We offer our services both in-person and through telehealth

Appointments are available Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm
(or after hours can be arranged by appointment)

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The benefits of online telehealth counselling and psychology services - revolutionising mental health care in Australia.

  • Telehealth services provide convenient and effective access to mental health care.
  • Through the Australian Government’s Mental Health Care Plan, (up to 10 sessions per annum with a psychologist) Medicare rebates can be accessed for telehealth psychology sessions reducing out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Ensuring confidentiality in online therapy sessions is of utmost importance. Secure, encrypted online sessions ensure privacy for the client at all times.
  • Telehealth is bridging the gap in accessing psychology and counselling services for rural and remote communities.
  • BUSY Health offer telehealth services for our clients seeking psychological or counselling services.

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Telehealth Appointments

What is Telehealth Counselling and How Does It Work?

Telehealth counselling is a form of therapy that allows individuals to receive mental health counselling and support remotely, via video calls or phone calls. It utilises digital technology to connect therapists and clients in real-time, providing a virtual alternative to traditional in-person therapy sessions.

Can Online Therapy be as Effective as In-Person Therapy?

Yes, online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for many individuals. Numerous studies have shown that online therapy is beneficial for treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and stress-related disorders. The convenience and accessibility of online therapy also make it an attractive option for those who live remotely, those with busy schedules or those with limited mobility.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of therapy depends on various factors, such as the individual’s specific needs, their therapeutic relationship with the psychologist or counsellor, and their commitment to the therapy process. Online therapy may not be suitable for everyone, and some individuals may prefer or require in-person sessions for certain reasons.

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Are appointment times flexible?

Appointment times are generally during business hours (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm). There are a limited number of after hours appointments available through BUSY Health. 

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