25th November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Domestic violence is a serious and widespread problem that affects millions of women around the world, and an issue that BUSY Health cares deeply about. It is a form of gender-based violence that violates the human rights and dignity of women. Domestic violence can have devastating consequences for women’s mental health, as well as their physical, social and economic well-being.
Domestic violence can cause various mental health problems for women, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse and suicidal thoughts. These problems can impair women’s ability to function, cope and thrive in their daily lives. Moreover, domestic violence can also affect the mental health of children who witness or experience it, creating intergenerational cycles of trauma and abuse. Read more and find out how you can help end the cycle.

We All Have a Role to Play
Ending domestic violence is a moral and social imperative that requires the collective action of all sectors of society. We need to address the root causes of domestic violence, such as gender inequality, inappropriate social norms and attitudes, and lack of legal and social protection for women.
BUSY Health supports community requests to provide adequate and accessible services and support for women who experience domestic violence, such as shelters, hotlines, counselling and legal assistance. Each of us can play a part in educating and empowering the next generation to challenge the stereotypes and behaviours that perpetuate domestic violence.
By ending domestic violence, we can create a safer and healthier world for women and children, where they can enjoy their rights and freedoms without fear or harm. Putting a stop to domestic violence also has wider benefits, given that it harms not only victims, but also their families, communities and society at large. It has tremendous costs, from greater strains on health care to legal expenses and losses in productivity. It also perpetuates a culture of violence, inequality and discrimination that affects future generations.
Seeking Support
Emotions like fear, worry, apprehension, inner conflict or even shame can be experienced when someone is dealing with a domestic violence situation, and it’s not uncommon for those involved to downplay the impact of violent or controlling behaviours. Not everyone will be ready to fully acknowledge, act upon or seek change within their circumstances – it often takes strength, time and readiness to acknowledge the situation is not OK and acknowledge the need to reach out for help. But the option to initiate a non-judgemental and supportive conversation with a safe, trusted person, such as a friend, family member, neighbour, co-worker, GP, health practitioner or a trained counsellor available through a domestic violence helpline can be life-changing. There are also various services and supports available for people experiencing domestic violence, such as shelters, hotlines, counselling, legal assistance and advocacy.
In addition, many employers provide additional support to individuals experiencing domestic violence. These services can often assist with helping victims of violence to understand their rights, explore their options and protect their safety. Employers can find a service in their area by searching White Ribbon Australia or the service directory on the 1800RESPECT website or by calling Services Australia on 131 202.
No one deserves to live in fear or pain – domestic violence is never okay and it can be stopped. Everyone has a role to play in ending domestic violence and supporting those who are affected by it. Together, we can create a safer and healthier world for women and children.
BUSY Health counsellors, social workers, psychologists and rehabilitation counsellors work proactively with clients to help bring cycles of abuse to an end. For some people it may take time and a helping hand to identify patterns of abuse and coercion, to recognise alternatives and access helpful strategies and resources to make changes that end these cycles. No matter what stage you’re at though, we’re here to support you as you build a better and safer future. If you’d like to talk with a professional about support to end domestic violence, please get in touch with BUSY Health on 1800 270 984.
If you or someone you know needs help, you can find further information and support services via these useful resources:

National 24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline – Call 1800 737 732

Queensland-specific 24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline – Call 1800 811 811

Support for young women aged 12 to 25 years who have experienced sexual abuse and women aged 16 to 25 years who are experiencing homelessness or a risk of homelessness.

No to Violence’s Men’s Referral Service offers assistance, information and counselling to help men who use family violence – Call 1300 766 491

White Ribbon Australia is part of a global social movement working to stop men’s violence against women. It provides ways everyday people can get involved in making change or access support.

The Queensland Government’s directory of support services is available for women and girls in Queensland, including emergency accommodation.

For emergency support, or if yourself or somebody else is in danger, call Triple Zero (000). You can make reports via a Police Station or Police Assistance on 131 444 or you can anonymously report domestic violence via Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.